理论研究 /
05 《通天塔》与“Beyond” 孙艺风
21 原型理论观照下的翻译单位辨析 冯全功
30 中西口译实证研究:回顾与展望 洪诗谐 陈菁
译史纵横 /
41 释道安译经“失本”态度问题补证 常红星 译介研究 /
48 《洗冤录》西译与“他者”叙事 屈文生 黄赛尔59 十九世纪英文报刊对《三国演义》的译介研究 李海军 李钢
远程翻译专业教学专栏 /
68 翻译专业教学管理与人才培养:新趋势、新变局与新思路 胡安江75 互联网时代的笔译教学:现状、理念与展望 吴青
81 抗疫背景下的远程专业口译教学 张爱玲 丁宁
书刊评介 /
89 视听翻译中幽默语言的处理——Humour in Audiovisual Translation: Theories and Applications评介 陈吉荣 学术访谈 /
95 译学研究的跨学科交融与多元文化互补性——朗贝尔教授访谈录 杜可心 行业研究 /
104 法律翻译者职业伦理构建探索 张法连 李文龙 学术视点 /
113 中西文化会通视域下的“Habitus” 王进 翻译评论 /
120 哲学家视野和致用型翻译——冯友兰英译《庄子》的副文本考察 殷燕 学术争鸣 /
131 《法律英语翻译教程》若干法律术语翻译商榷 蒋开召 实践探索 /
139 《习近平谈治国理政》第一至三卷英译探析 刘奎娟147 词汇触发视角下同声传译的词汇翻译模式——以“问题”为例 张杲 李德超
154 语义对等、语用对等和审美对等——韩素音国际翻译大赛俄汉互译评析(2020) 徐曼琳
162 商务英语同/近/反义词叠用语义探析及翻译 顾维勇 吴奕萱
自学之友 /
170 Foreword to A Sand County Almanac (Aldo Leopold) 曹明伦 译172 达其词,尽其意,传其神——《沙乡年鉴·序言》译后散记 曹明伦
178 我所知道的康桥(下)(徐志摩) 蔡力坚 译
185 翻译中的事实准确性 蔡力坚
词语选译 /
187 党的十九届五中全会公报摘译(一) 英文摘要
192 第三十三届韩素音国际翻译大赛竞赛规则本期主要论文摘要
孙艺风 澳门大学
孙艺风 澳门大学
关键词:斯坦纳;翻译阐释学;情境性;描述翻译学;等值与规范中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0005-16
冯全功 浙江大学
冯全功 浙江大学
关键词:原型理论;翻译单位;句子;语篇中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0021-09
洪诗谐 闽南师范大学 | 陈菁 厦门大学
洪诗谐 闽南师范大学 | 陈菁 厦门大学
关键词:实证研究;口译;中国和西方;文献分析中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0030-11
常红星 山东师范大学
常红星 山东师范大学
关键词:释道安;五失本三不易;传令知会通;佛教中国化中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0041-07
屈文生 华东政法大学 | 黄赛尔 福建省莆田第二中学
屈文生 华东政法大学 | 黄赛尔 福建省莆田第二中学
关键词:《洗冤录》;法医学;翻译;传播中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0048-11
李海军 长沙学院 | 李钢 湖南科技学院
李海军 长沙学院 | 李钢 湖南科技学院
关键词:19世纪;英文报刊;《三国演义》译介中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-00-09
胡安江 四川外国语大学
胡安江 四川外国语大学
关键词:后疫情时代;翻译教育;教学管理;人才培养中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-00-07
吴青 北京外国语大学
吴青 北京外国语大学
关键词:在线笔译教学;信息技术;在线翻译教学平台;教学研究中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0075-06
张爱玲 丁宁 上海外国语大学
张爱玲 丁宁 上海外国语大学
关键词:专业口译教学;远程教学;教学创新中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0081-08
—— Humour in Audiovisual Translation: Theories and Applications评介
陈吉荣 辽宁师范大学
摘要:2020年,路特里奇出版社出版了多尔(Margherita Dore)的最新专著Humour in Audiovisual Translation: Theories and Applications一书。该书紧扣幽默语言这一难点,整合幽默语言与视听翻译研究的见解,在理论描述上有新的突破,主要体现在以下几个方面:1)提出视听翻译中幽默双关语的翻译方案;2)基于幽默语言的普遍理论解决幽默文化专有项的视听翻译问题;3)基于语用功能探索视听文本中幽默元素的翻译策略;4)拓展包容视听障碍人群的幽默语言视听翻译形式。特别是最后一点所体现的人文关怀,对于翻译研究的意义已经不仅仅是学术层面的,而是上升到社会意义层面。
关键词:视听翻译;幽默语言;双关语;文化专有项;语用功能;受众中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0089-06
杜可心 澳门大学
杜可心 澳门大学
关键词:翻译学;跨学科性;普遍性;隐身性;集体研究中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0095-09
张法连 李文龙 中国政法大学
张法连 李文龙 中国政法大学
关键词:法律翻译;职业伦理;法律翻译人才培养;法律英语中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0104-09
王进 华东师范大学
王进 华东师范大学
关键词:布迪厄;社会理论;Habitus;术语翻译;惯态中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0113-07
殷燕 湖北大学
关键词:冯友兰;《庄子》;副文本;哲学家视野;致用型翻译;格义中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0120-11
蒋开召 上海海洋大学
蒋开召 上海海洋大学
关键词:法律翻译教材;法律术语;译名等值中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0131-08
刘奎娟 外文出版社
刘奎娟 外文出版社
关键词:《习近平谈治国理政》;英译;翻译原则中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0139-08
—— 以“问题”为例
张杲 暨南大学 | 李德超 香港理工大学
关键词:词汇触发;口译研究;词汇翻译;问题中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0147-07
顾维勇 南京晓庄学院 | 吴奕萱 河海大学
顾维勇 南京晓庄学院 | 吴奕萱 河海大学
关键词:商务英语;同/近/反义词叠用;趋同;趋异;翻译中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2021) 01-0162-08
After Babel and Beyond
By SUN Yifeng (University of Macau, Macao, China) p.5
By SUN Yifeng (University of Macau, Macao, China) p.5
Abstract: Despite the indispensable role it played in the development of modern translation theory, George Steiner’s After Babel has been prevented by its abstruse content and obscure language from exerting further influence in recent decades. This is unfortunate, for even if we admit that Steiner lacks originality, his historical contribution as a great synthesizer of western translation thoughts cannot be ignored. And due to the diffusive attributes of this work, there is actually considerable space left for further development, which is of great value to current translation research. Since the publication of After Babel, translation scholars have done a lot of explorative work on the nature, the law and the various attributes of translation. Among them, “descriptive translation studies” led the way for quite some time, and was once a trademark of modern translation studies. However, its limitations are increasingly recognized, and it is in danger of becoming totally obsolete. Through a historical review of Steiner’s and Toury’s translation theories, we can trace back to the beginning of modern translation studies, making sense of different views and outlining the general trend of its development, so that a clearer understanding and a firmer grasp can be acquired of the past and the present of this discipline in its modern sense.
Keywords: Steiner; translational hermeneutics; situatedness; descriptive translation studies; equivalence and norms
Rethinking the Unit of Translation from the Perspective of Prototype Theory
By FENG Quangong (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) p.21
By FENG Quangong (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) p.21
Abstract: The unit of translation has been conceptualized through either a process-oriented approach or a product-oriented one. Neither, however, has in itself done justice to the pluralistic and dynamic nature of this category. Building on the product-oriented conception, this paper maintains that the unit of translation can better be understood in terms of a prototypical concept, one that is situated on both an operational and a theoretical level. It further holds that from this new perspective, sentence should be considered the prototypical unit of translation on the operational level while text must be seen as that on the theoretical level. On both levels, ten possible units of translation could be identified on the basis of their different typicality or varying membership. Functionally, transfer is emphasized on the operational level whereas on the theoretical level, analysis is stressed. In the process of translating or in a specific translation act, however, a functional unity is achieved between transfer and analysis. The new conception is capable of facilitating the translator’s selection of the most suitable unit of translation, and it will also help to foster his or her awareness and ability of close translating.
Keywords: prototype theory; unit of translation; sentence; text; close translating
Empirical Research on Interpreting in China and the West: Review and Prospect
By HONG Shixie (Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, China) & CHEN Jing (Xiamen University, Xiamen, China) p.30
By HONG Shixie (Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, China) & CHEN Jing (Xiamen University, Xiamen, China) p.30
Abstract: This study offers a comprehensive review of the progress of empirical research on interpreting in China and the West. On the basis of a critical examination of 669 relevant academic papers published up to Dec. 2017 in major Chinese and international translation journals, it summarizes the features and prospects of empirical research on interpreting in terms of perspective of interdisciplinary study, research subject, theme and content, research method and authorship. The paper then goes a step further by predicting the trajectory of the field’s future development, in an effort to offer some new ideas for improving interpreting studies in general and empirically oriented interpreting studies in particular.
Keywords: empirical research; interpreting; China and the West; literature review
Dao'an's Opposition Against Translation-caused Losses of Buddhist Scripture's “Original Look”
By CHANG Hongxing (Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China) p.41
Abstract: While the enumeration of “the five ways of failing to keep the original look [of the ST]” (五失本) in translation has been attributed to Dao’an, it is actually a summary of the lessons learned from the Buddhist scripture translation practices in China up to his time. This list, and his equally well-known identification of “the three difficulties [in rendering the original]” (三不易), indicate that Dao’an was basically opposed to the “loss of the original look” in the process of translation, as he was convinced that such a loss would make it difficult for readers to understand the Dharma correctly and comprehensively.By CHANG Hongxing (Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China) p.41
Keywords: Dao’an; “the five ways of failing to keep the original look”; “the three difficulties [in rendering the original]”; purpose of translation; Sinicization of Buddhism
The 19th-century Translation and Introduction of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in English Journals and Newspapers
By LI Haijun (Changsha University, Changsha, China) & LI Gang (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Yongzhou, China) p.59
By LI Haijun (Changsha University, Changsha, China) & LI Gang (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Yongzhou, China) p.59
Abstract: Throughout the 19th century, English journals and newspapers played a leading role in the translation and introduction of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. A review of the relevant journalistic items in these publications tends to show a mixture of positive overall evaluations, frequent use of paraphrases, and notable presence of mistranslations. While the translations may be defective, the positive comments contributed significantly to the early dissemination of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the English world.
Keywords: English journals and newspapers; translation and introduction; Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Translation Education in the Post-epidemic Era: New Trends, Landscapes and Approaches
By HU Anjiang (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.68
By HU Anjiang (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.68
Abstract: How can translation education adapts itself to a post-epidemic era characterized by technological empowerment and disciplinary integration? This paper maintains that attention should be focused on streamlining the management of teaching and enhancing the efficiency of professional/occupational training. An innovative approach would demand that we cast out the traditional, rigid, conservative and habitual mode of thinking, ceasing to subscribe to the paradigm of industrialized education. In its place, an internet-based conception of translation education, based on division of labor, cooperation and open sharing, should be fully institutionalized. Moreover, the way to manage the day-to-day teaching of translation and to foster the growth of qualified personnel should be duly modified so that programs of translation education could better serve the national and local developmental interests. And we should also actively promote online digital education in order to make sure that translation education fully meet the new demands of professionalization, marketization and internationalization.
Keywords: post-epidemic era; translation education; teaching management; qualified professional
A Perspective on Professional Ethics of Legal Translators and Interpreters
By ZHANG Falian & LI Wenlong (China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China) p.104
Abstract: The professional ethics of legal translators and interpreters subsumes both the moral qualities they must possess and the code of conduct they are expected to abide by in conducting their professional activities. Professional ethics not only manifests itself in static norms, but also projects itself through a dynamic process in which translators and interpreters contextualize ethical principles and apply them to guide the specific acts of translating and interpreting in which they are engaged. This paper maintains further that: 1) the core ethical value which all legal translators/interpreters should pursue is the accuracy of their renditions; 2) for the realization of this core value, solid legal knowledge and effective inter-linguistic communication skills are indispensable. In addition, the authors also explore the ways to promote professional ethics in legal translation/interpretation by pedagogical and institutional means.By ZHANG Falian & LI Wenlong (China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China) p.104
Keywords: legal translation; professional ethics; education of legal translation
A Philosopher’s Vision and an Application-Oriented Approach: An Investigation into the Paratexts of Fung Yu-Lan’s English Rendition of the Zhuangzi
By YIN Yan (Hubei University, Wuhan, China) p.120
Abstract: As the first translation of Zhuangzi by a Chinese translator, Fung Yu-Lan’s 1926 English rendition of the Chinese classic deserves special attention from translation scholars and yet has received few academic reviews so far. This paper subjects both the text and the paratexts of Fung’s version to a mutually illuminating analysis, in an attempt to update our understanding of the historical context in which it was produced, the purpose it was meant to serve and the method of translation that Fung had adopted. The study finds that Fung Yu-Lan’s translation of Zhuangzi is not only informed with his unique philosophical vision, but is also meant to promote the Chinese hermeneutic method of geyi (namely, analogical interpretation). In this sense, it is application-oriented and should by no means be read as “a Westernized interpretation of Zhuangzi.”By YIN Yan (Hubei University, Wuhan, China) p.120
Keywords: Fung Yu-Lan; Zhuangzi; paratext; philosophical vision; application-oriented translation; geyi